Transporting Your Fish
You must ensure your are transporting fish home in compliance with the Quebec Fishing Regulations
Transporting Your Fish
Anglers who may be considering a fishing trip in the near future need to ensure they are transporting fish home in compliance with the Quebec Fishing Regulations, which help protect fisheries resources.
The fish that you catch and keep may be gilled and gutted. However, please remember that fish taken from Dumoine Lake where size limits are in effect must be readily measurable at all times
In addition, when packaging fish you MUST ensure that a Conservation Officer can determine the number of fish you have and the species of fish that you have in your possession.

Tips for Transporting Packaged Fish
- Package each fish individually or arrange your fish in a clear freezer bag. Place the fillets flat in the bag. A layer of water can be added to further protect the fillets before freezing. Remember, it is the anglers responsibility to ensure that all their catch can be easily counted and identified.
- Ensure you leave at least a large patch of skin on all fish fillets for identification purposes.
- Conservation Officers may inspect your catch at any time. Always have your fish and your licences easily accessible.
- Conservation Officers routinely conduct boat patrols, camp checks, fly-ins over remote lakes and scheduled road check stations. If a Conservation Officer inspects the sport fish you’re transporting and finds they are improperly packaged:
- your catch may be seized for evidence.
- you could get a ticket and be fined.
- you may have to attend court, usually close to where the inspection took place, which may be far away from where you live.
For more information about transporting your catch visit Sports Fishing in Quebec.