Moose Hunting
Dumoine Lake is an exclusive rights territory, divided into private sections for moose hunting
Moose hunting is an enjoyable pastime where you can spend hours with friend and family surrounded by a peaceful backdrop. If you decide to fly in or drive in, either way you will be stepping into boundless wilderness, an environment where dense vegetation offering rich food for the lord of the woods. Your hunting experience at Dumoine Lake will live with you forever.
Dumoine Lake in Northwestern Quebec is an exclusive rights territory, divided into private sections for moose hunting. This is one certain way to thoroughly enjoy your experience without the pressure of crowding hunters.
Dumoine Lake is divided into territories where there are plenty of favourable areas over which you can watch without being detected. You can scout out your own location or make yourself comfortable in one of our predetermined locations. We recommend that you bring your own tree stand. Our season starts during the peak of the rut, mid September to October, so calling is certainly encouraged to increase your chances of a successful hunt.
Be prepared for the worst weather of the season, bring appropriate clothing and dress in layers. You never know what Mother Nature will throw at you during your day. All hunters, guides and persons accompanying them must wear a fluorescent orange vest or jacket that is visible from the front, back and sides. The vest or jacket must cover the wearer’s back, shoulders and chest. When worn, the orange vest of jacket must be visible at all times. ALWAYS BE SURE OF YOUR TARGET.
Possession Limit
2 persons per 1 moose
Additional Services
Guide Service: $150.00 per day
Cut and Wrapped: $1.25 per pound
Moose Hunting Price
1 Moose per 2 Hunters: $1200.00 per week/per person.
All prices include cottage, boat, motor, gas, fishing licenses, retrieval of animal. Moose Licenses NOT included.
September 13 to October 12
Hunting License Fee
$369.28 tax included per person. This moose license is to be purchased by the hunter in town.

Any hunter who has killed a moose must immediately detach the appropriate transportation tag from his or her license and affix it to the animal. The tag must remain attached throughout the registration process and until the animal has been dressed and stored. Where a hunting party has bagged a moose, the hunter who killed the animal must ensure that the transportation tag of any other hunter participating in the hunt is also affixed to the animal on the same day it is killed.
Exporting Moose
In addition to respecting the regulations set out by the Sport Hunting in Quebec non-residents must register any big game kills at a registration office before leaving Quebec. A punched transportation tag serves as the official document authorizing the transport of moose, in whole or in part outside Quebec.
Hunting License
To hunt, a person must hold and carry an appropriate hunting licence. A hunting licence is personal. The issuer and the licence holder must sign every hunting licence. Dumoine Lake Cottages pricing does not include hunting licenses.
To obtain a hunting licence for resident, Quebec residents must hold a valid hunter’s certificate bearing the code corresponding to the hunting weapon they intend to use. To obtain a non-resident’s hunting licence, a person must be a non-resident and be at least 12 years of age. Non-residents must use at least two of the services provided by an outfitter, including lodging.
Non-residents must respect guidelines in effect for their license, though they may purchase the license at any time before going hunting. Non-residents may not purchase a special permit to hunt moose cows. Bow hunting is permitted in Quebec subject to the same regulations as hunting with a firearm.
Hunting licences are available from agents who sell licences: they generally include sporting goods, hardware or convenience stores. Licences expire at the end of the hunting season for the animal for which they were issued or when the transportation tag has been removed.
For more information on hunting regulations for non-residents, please visit the Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources and Wildlife.